The Big Cat Sanctuary Ticket Portal

Monthly Membership

By becoming a member, you'll support the care and protection of these magnificent animals and contribute to global conservation efforts. Your membership provides long-term support for resident cats, ensuring they receive the care they need.

Membership benefits are:

  • Receive a membership pack and pin badge
  • Invitation to our Members' Day event
  • Exclusive quarterly membership emails


Help support The Big Cat Sanctuary

Toggle Gift Aid Include donation with my purchase.
  • Membership - £5
    Membership - £5
    £5.00 (Gift Aid eligible)

    Minimum 1 year membership billed £5.00 every month until cancellation.


    Minimum 1 year membership billed £5.00 every month until cancellation.

  • Membership - £10
    Membership - £10
    £10.00 (Gift Aid eligible)

    Minimum 1 year membership billed £10.00 every month until cancellation.


    Minimum 1 year membership billed £10.00 every month until cancellation.

  • Membership - £15
    Membership - £15
    £15.00 (Gift Aid eligible)

    Minimum 1 year membership billed £15.00 every month until cancellation.


    Minimum 1 year membership billed £15.00 every month until cancellation.

Monthly Membership

By becoming a member, you'll support the care and protection of these magnificent animals and contribute to global conservation efforts. Your membership provides long-term support for resident cats, ensuring they receive the care they need.

Membership benefits are:

  • Receive a membership pack and pin badge
  • Invitation to our Members' Day event
  • Exclusive quarterly membership emails

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