The Big Cat Sanctuary Ticket Portal

The Big Cat Sanctuary Golf Cup

This year’s annual golf day will be at The Ridge on Thursday 19th June, whether you’re a seasoned golfer or just starting out, this is an event you won’t want to miss. The day is always great fun and a good opportunity to meet up with people you don’t often get to see! It’s a relaxed day following the usual golf day format.

There will be great raffle prizes and an auction at the end of the day. There will be ‘Beat the Pro’, ‘Closest-to-the-Pin’ and longest drive competitions on the day to add to the fun! The cost is £360 per team

4 people per team

Ticket options

  • One 4 Ball Team
    One 4 Ball Team

    Breakfast baps and evening buffet included

    0 2 max

    Breakfast baps and evening buffet included

The Big Cat Sanctuary Golf Cup

This year’s annual golf day will be at The Ridge on Thursday 19th June, whether you’re a seasoned golfer or just starting out, this is an event you won’t want to miss. The day is always great fun and a good opportunity to meet up with people you don’t often get to see! It’s a relaxed day following the usual golf day format.

There will be great raffle prizes and an auction at the end of the day. There will be ‘Beat the Pro’, ‘Closest-to-the-Pin’ and longest drive competitions on the day to add to the fun! The cost is £360 per team

4 people per team

0 items selected
